AI4IA : Artificial Intelligence for Intelligence Analysis


The IC CAE Colloquium Series on Artificial Intelligence for Intelligence Analysis (AI4IA) is part of the IC CAE Center for Critical Intelligence Studies at Rutgers University. The speakers are active researchers and practitioners in using AI, Data Analytics and Machine Learning techniques in defense, intelligence and security applications. The audience includes students, faculty, researchers and practitioners who are interested in using AI and advanced sensing for data collection and data analysis in intelligence applications. The aim of the colloquium series is for making connections between technologies and applications, and enhance awareness of the importance of and stir the interests of students in both artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent analysis (IA).

For this purpose, we will hold live sessions over zoom monthly from late Spring 2021 to early Spring of 2022. To make each session impactful to a wide spectrum of the audience, the content of each session will have about an hour, including: (1) career stories (10-15 minutes); 2) technical/application talks (30 minutes); (3) Q&As (15-20 minutes). The talks will be for the students and faculty who are in CS, CpE, EE or any other programs who are interested in AI, data and machine learning, for applications in defense, intelligence and security, but we do not assume the audience have any experience in these fields.

Schedule and Registration or Recorded Lecture Links

For a playlist of all the current AI4IA talks, click here.

  • AI and Homeland Security. Dr. Fred Roberts, Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Rutgers University; Director of Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence CCICADA: Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis; Director Emeritus and Special Advisor of DIMACS, Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. 02/18/2022(Friday), 12-1pm. WATCH [HERE]

  • Stephen P. Delmarco, Senior Principal Research Engineer II, Acting Director /Tao Wang, Principal Scientist (CUNY PhD),  BAE Systems. Time and Location TBD.

Future speaker information will be added over time