AI4IA Colloquium Panel: Benjamin Rosado, Jin Chen and Tyler Franklin

Rudimentary Introduction to Cybersecurity and its Role in Policy


  • Benjamin Rosado– Intern Intelligence Analyst, Department of Homeland Security;
  • Jin Chen– Tech Entrepreneur, CTO of Nearabl Inc.


  • Tyler Franklin – Student Researcher at Columbia University.

Friday September 23th, 2022, 12:30-1:45 PM (EDT), Virtual Zoom Meeting


The goal of this seminar is to provide an introductory understanding of policy, its relation to cybersecurity, the role cyber intelligence plays in policy making, and how the private sector can apply federal and state cybersecurity policy.Benjamin will introduce the concept of cybersecurity, the importance of it, and then introduce what cyber intelligence is. Benjamin will then explain how cyber intelligence can benefit policy makers and customers. Towards the end, Benjamin will provide resources that the audience can use to gain a better understanding of the subject matter. Jin will share her internship experience at the NYC Office of Comptroller as an IT auditor, in terms of how the government uses the existing federal and state policies to evaluate public IT systems. Jin will then discuss how her startups have considered and applied these policies in designing the application’s system architecture of protecting the privacy and security of clients’ data.

Watch [Here]

Benjamin Rosado’s Bio:Benjamin Rosado is an intern intelligence analyst for the Department of Homeland Security. He is a Computer Science senior at Lehman College, with an Associates in Computer Science from Borough of Manhattan Community College. He is a former National Intelligence University fellow and holds a Rutgers IC CAE certificate. Benjamin is also a co-author of a peer-reviewed paper published by The Society For Modeling & Simulation International. Benjamin has a passion for cybersecurity, and international relations, and interests in machine learning and data science.

Jin Chen’s Bio: Jin Chen is the co-founder and CTO of Nearabl focused on integrating 3D computer vision, machine learning, and augmented reality to develop precise localization techniques and product customization for client needs. Jin earned a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Data Science and Engineering at the City College of New York (CCNY). Jin participated in various IC CAE training and events. Jin is passionate about data-driven solutions for individual and business problems, especially in assistive applications for people with disabilities.

Tyler Franklin’s Bio: Tyler is a platform developer and student researcher. At BMCC and CCNY he studied math and CS and worked with Jin on assistive technology projects. He has worked on research supported by IC CAE and attended intelligence fundamentals workshop they hosted.

Complete colloquium schedule [HERE]