The CUNY Graduate Center Spring 2023; CSC 83020 - 01 (55719) ST: Human & Computer Vision and Advanced Topics Time and Location: Wednesday 9:30 – 11:30 am, The CUNY Graduate Center, Room 3207 15% 15% 15% 2% 30% 1% 15% 10% 103% Name HW1 HW2 HW3 Bonus Exam ProposalPresent Report Final Letter CGQ 89 94 101 88 1 97.5 94 94.0 A CXJ 94 90.5 93 2 90 1 85 92 93.6 A CAG 86 45 43 2 86 1 75.5 83 74.5 B FO 57 32 64 46 1 81.5 80 58.0 C FD 78 57 80 47 1 90 89 69.8 B- LJW 100 108 105 2 97 1 92.5 94 102.3 A+ MJ 89 101 97 2 92 1 90 90 96.2 A+ MI 80 96 85 80 1 89.5 93 86.9 A- NRM 49 -1 39 0 WU OCT 94 92 102 1 75 1 89.5 93 90.4 A RGi 83 101 95 2 89 1 90 90 94.1 A ZBQ 90 80.5 91 2 78 1 85 92 87.6 A- ZLZ 100 104 101.5 1 100 1 95 94 101.5 A+ ZM 79.5 100 101 2 83 1 89 93 92.6 A ZYN 91 98 97 1 100 1 95 94 98.6 A+ Bonus Each IC CAE talk: 1% or 2%; absence without notice in advance: -1 (04/26) Proposal 1% before April 04, 0.5 before April 11 Presentation 15/15 grading, account to 15% for the final Report 15/15 grading, but this is scaled to 10% for the final Final 103 Letter: A+: >=96; A: >=90; A- >=85; B+: >=80; B: >=75; B-: >=70; C+: >=65; C: >=57; F: <57